Sunday, September 14, 2008

Yo-La Freakazoids.

I am so.... UGH. I don't wanna go back to school tomorrow!

*LE GASP!* See! I told you ({down there}) that I wouldn't wanna go back! I got this cool little chat thingie at the bottom of my blog now. It's so cool. @_@
I'm pimpin' now. xP
I'm trying to get Tory to RPPPP. xP I'm thirsty.
Be back later.
Or not.
Who knows.
Maybe not until tomorrow.
Would that upset you?
Really, would it?
If I DISAPPEARED for tonight?
Tomorrow, as well?
For a week?
Or a year...

I hope it does.
Because I am.
I'm leaving for a year.
Or two.
Hey, who's counting?

I'd never leave you guys.
I lurve you too muches!
Well, mostly Tory.
But... Hey. Can you blame me?
She's pimpalicious. xD
And we get high off RPing.
LoL. But that's just us.
What gets you high?
Jk, jk.
No, really.
Keep your personal lives to yourselves.
White walls excite me.
Did you know that?
Well if you didn't;
They do.
And now you know.
You know my secret.
I'll probably be put in a straitjacket soon, so enjoy me while you still can.
I was going to make a nut house for an english project, but I don't think Mrs. What's-Her-Face would've enjoyed it very much.
I was crazy once...
They locked me in a rubber room.
I died there;
Of an insane laughter problem.
They buried me.
In the ground.
That's where the alien-midgets live.
Alien-midgets are crazy.
Like me.
I was crazy once...
They locked me in a rubber room......


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