Tuesday, December 8, 2009

i wish i knew how, (your eyes are like starlight now), to break the spell, (i'll take your hat, hair looks swell.

But baby it's cold outsideee<3
What's poppin'? My lip gloss? I know. ;D
17 days until Christmass<3
So, here's my daily dose of drama:
This morning, I got on my morning transfer bus and there were like NO seats. So I shouted:
Then Tyler W told this Shannon girl to move and sit with him so I could sit diagonal from him. So then he talked to me the entire bus ride and walked me inside all the way to the cafeteria. And we were talking about hot snow? I dunno, hahaah.
So then Audrey wrote his name on my hand for the Hand Game. It said: Hug Tyler W or Else!!!
So when Katie, Pat, Tyler H and I came up the stairs Tyler W and Eric were like, right there. So I stuck my hand out for him to read, but he gave me like 3 high fives first, hahaa. I'm like, "NO, READ IT."
Then Eric gasps, "WAIT! I CAN'T SEE IT!" Then he reads it and gasps again. Tyler laughs.
Then I said bye to the 3 of them and then Tyler comes back around the corner to talk to me. He shouts, "Well Krystiana, I've guess you gotta do it!"
I said, "Fine I will. Save me a seat on the morning bus tomorrow!"
He's funny (from this morning, not THIS part is funny,)
My chorus concert was last night; his is tonight.

Uhmmmm. Can't think of anything elsee.


Tiana-marie out fersureee, sonn!


Give Me More! =/