Saturday, November 7, 2009

You make my life bright 'cuz you shinee...!

It's a love thangg, it's got to be!(:

In - Out!!
Ashley(now we're friends(: ) -- Allison (DON'T GOTTA BE A PLAYAAHATAA!:p )
Tori (we're friendss :p) -- Your Motherr!
SOCCER PARTIES!!!!!! -- Bowling, hahaa
Telling off T.J. with Tori -- T.J.!!!! D:<
Moshh pits to Hollywood Undead &TDWP songss(: --- Tik Tok by KE$HA (they played it WAYY too many times at the party!)

Basically, this was made just to clear things up with me and ash, and me and tori(: I'm friends with both now; it's all good.
T.J. Sargeant, if you're reading this: I HATE YOU!!!!

Give Me More! =/