Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I'm insanely bored. I've spent my whole day watching interviews with McR on YouTube.
I watched "four things you never wanted to know about mcr," AGAIN. For like; the millionth time. It's such a funny video. ^_^
So, I've been eating ice cream and drinking water out of a Gatorade bottle. Yes, my life is boring when I don't go anywhere. -_-
15 days until school starts.
Unless you count today, that's 16. I start on the third. Everyone starts on the third, except 10th, 11th, and 12th. 9th graders start with us... On the third.
Tory got me hooked on the song Still Fly by The Devil Wears Prada, Punk Goes Crunk.
My dog is being LOUD. >_<
So; two days ago, I spent the night at Sarah's house. Because her dad needed some extra hands for their rummage sale. That day, we also thought there was a Family Rock n' Swim/Splash. But, they canceled it, for some unknown reason. But, unfortunately; Tyler was there. Yes, Tyler, the jerk of my life. The one who ruins absolutely everything because he's THAT BIG of a jerk. He was there with his friend Justin. I knew him in... 2nd grade and he remembers me. O_o I used to have a crush on him, it was weird. xD But he was actually really nice, considering he kept trying to shut Tyler up. So, while Sarah and I were swimming, he decides to come over to the gate and bug us.
"Oh yea, Sarah, will you go out with Pat? He asked me to ask you that."
({Insert long-ish eyeroll here.})
"No, Tyler. I will not go out with Patrick. And SECOND OF ALL. HE WOULD NOT ASK ME THAT."
"Oh and, Krystiana? Zack wanted me to ask you out for him."
"Yea right, Tyler. He failed miserably two years ago, what makes him think he can get me NOW? Besides, he knows that he stands no chance."
So, Tyler had asked out US for our two best friends. Which makes NO sense, because they both know that we ALWAYS say "no."
So, he gets out his phone and puts it up to his ear, PRETENDING to call Pat. ({Insert another eye roll.}) So he has this "conversation" with Pat, whom he asks questions for to Sarah, like; "Why did you say no?" And other idiotic stuff like that.
So, we got out and walked over to the park and Tyler and Justin decided to come over.
Oh the thrills that we will have. -_-'
So they bugged us the whole time, and he kept pulling down his pants! So I kept shouting at him and walking away with Sarah and Justin.
Then, Pat showed up about twenty minutes before we left, thanks to Tyler. And we told him what Tyler did. And then there was chasing and what not, shoving Tyler off bikes... ({<--Justin's doing.})
Then we were picked up so that we could go back to Sarah's dad's and eat pizza, chicken wings and bread sticks. O_o That night, we played... Some bike racing game, which was insanely fun, ^_^ on Sarah's Ps2 and ate many Freeze-Pops. xD I realized that I didn't have my necklace. >_<
My uncle had taken a guitar pick and put it on a chain and given it to me for my birthday. And it's insanely awesome. xD So I was angry, especially when I remembered that Pat had kicked Sarah's swim bag the other day and it had been in there.
So, THE NEXT DAY. We called Patrick to tell him to meet us at the local park-ish place and when we pulled up, Tyler and Justin were there. -_-
When, last night on the phone, Pat had said that he would NOT bring them, because Tyler was being incredibly annoying.
So we ignored them and just walked into the pool instead and Pat followed us by walking next to the gate.
Soon, we got out and we were hanging out again. And then all of these other people just SHOWED UP.
So... Pat got a call that said he had to go home and watch his dog, so he asked if anyone wanted to go with him to bring his dog to the park. Tyler said he wanted to go, but Patrick asked if anyone else ({xD}) wanted to go. So, Arianna's older sister Olivia said she would go, but they had to stop by her house and grab her bike.
So EVERYONE ended up going and Sarah and I were alone. -_-
We went swimming again after waiting for an hour, after another 45 minutes had gone by, we got out and went to sit on the swings. After another 35 minutes had gone by, Tyler, Patrick and Justin came back. FINALLY. With Pat's dog Gabby.
Then Pat left 5 minutes later. -_- Boy were we ticked. All those people went with them and then the three people that came back, all left.
Then, Zack and Jerry came to the pool, but they left like... fifteen minutes after we got back into the pool. -_-
Then I went home.
Boy was I ticked. Patrick had called us, that night, to tell us to meet him there and bring no one else and he wouldn't either. So, then all these people show up, we're like... IGNORED. And he leaves for almost three hours with THOSE people, leaving US THERE and leaving FIVE minutes after he got back. He DITCHED us for the people that he didn't even WANT there in the FIRST place. Technically, it wasn't really his fault, but then again, I'm still angry.
And YESS I realize that this is a ridiculously LONG blog. AND I DON'T REALLY CARE.
Baiiz. :D


1 comment:

Toryy said...

Wow lol Id call Pat (or whoever ditched you) and yell at him lol.

Give Me More! =/