Thursday, August 28, 2008


Sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I've been doing a lot of random stuff lately... Well, something weird happened at our local park yesterday, but I just told Tory, so I don't feel like re-typing it. xD It's not that exciting anyways. Emily's RP is hitting off on VMKM. xD Yayy. It's almost sequel time!! I'm soooo excited. Come to think of it, I'm really bored. I have been lately. Seven days until school starts... Maybe that's my problem. It happens every year; I'm always so excited for summer and then start getting bummed in July after my birthday, 'cuz it means going back to school. Then by mid-August I'm all;; "I AM SO ... BORED!" That's what it's like now, I guess. I had this kinda lonnggg dream about Eric last night and it's kind of weird that I'm DREAMING about him. Isn't that weird? It is to me. Guess who's been listening to Queens of the Stone Age all day!? I really want oranges. :-( I don't know why, either. I am so ANGRY 'cuz I got yelled at for wearing school clothes. That ticks me off, 'cuz my new clothes are awesome. -_- Having to listen to your parents about this kinda stuff is gay and pointless. -_- I mean, I see having to listen about OTHER stuff, but I really wanna wear my new stuff. :-(
I got my schedule for school and I have French in THE MORNING! THE MORNING!!!!
First period.
FIRST period.
At least I have 7th period lunch, late lunch. YAYYY. And I have Phys Ed./GYM/WHATEVER, every other day, but when I do have it, it's right before lunch. So I can be slow in the locker room! xDD YAYYYY. I don't care if I only have 20 mins. to eat and 20 mins. of study hall, I'd rather feel clean than stuff my face, when I can do that when I get HOME. -_-
I'm excited 'bout late lunch though, 'cuz last year we had lunch at 10:50. And I'm lykee;; "What the helium, is up with that?!" Who is hungry at 10:50, when you JUST ate breakfast. O_+ I mean of course, if you haven't eaten breakfast yet, yes, being hungry then is okay. But if you DID? It just made no sense. So, now I'm happy. xD But there are so many down sides to being on the team that I'm on.
Tyler and only two best friends.
Ugh, I know, right? I don't have ONE CLASS with Chad and as far as I know, I only have LUNCH with Desiree. And Tyler... I hope I have NOTHING with him, but I'm not sure. Nate's locker is diagonal from mine. O_+ It's across the hall and to the... Left? Yea. Anddd Tyler's locker is wayyyy over by Pat's, so I don't have to see him! I'm in lykee;;; the 900's somewhere and Pat's in ther 200's and Tyler is four lockers down from Pat! *Happy and joyful... And joyness.* I've been watching Charlie The Unicorn to much. O_+ It's 12:16, so I SHOULD get off, but I'm not. xD I'm gonna go listen to QoTSA or BLG or FtSK, or something. LoL. So many "ors" I'm starting to sound like a ... seal.
Baiiz now. Imma go RPizzle.


1 comment:

Toryy said...

Ooh my ! We didnt have to take a language this year but in 7th we did, our french teacher is a meanie head =[ I heard she was..

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