Sunday, June 15, 2008


I got my Adidas, my Thing 2&1 shirts, and my shorts! So, I'm all ready for the dance on Friday! I'm Excited. School is almost out....! xD
Guess what...! I spent the night at Sarah's house Friday, and we were talking to Patrick on her cellphone, trying to talk him into telling us who he likes, and he said that if we kept bugging him about it, he'd tell Eric that I liked him.
I said to him, "Go ahead, then you'll have nothing over me."
At first Pat couldn't get a hold of him, 'cause Eric went to the movies with some friends, and Pat was in New Jersey on his own cell phone.
Then Eric called him back, and Pat told him, and Eric's response was, "That's nasty, yo."
And I was about to start crying 'cause that's what he said to Rebecca at school that day.
Pat had asked him if he liked me before, and his response was slow, so Sarah and Pat thought that he was lying. Sarah still thinks that he's lying, but I don't know.
But I only cried for a minute, literally, Friday night. I got over it fairly easily.
I've got to go to Mark's house soon, so I'll see you people later!


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